Want to become a partner?

The primary objective of Dispuut Verkeer is to promote internal and external (network) connections of our members. The internal network consists of all the members of the association itself, students, alumni, staff and honorary members. The external connections are our partners, companies, associations and organizations. The promotion of connections is accomplished by providing networking opportunities, either through fun or educational activities like seminars, study cases, etc. Additional goals are protecting the students’ interests and rights in the study program and the introduction of students to their future profession. Preparation for the working life is accomplished by given insight on companies and sharing our partner base in order to obtain internships, student jobs or graduation projects. By organizing activities like excursions, study trips and lectures, Dispuut Verkeer tries to achieve these goals.

Dispuut Verkeer strives for long-term partnerships with companies and institutes in our field of expertise. This is the only way to ensure that our primary goal is met. A good partnership can only be achieved by working together on accomplishing each other’s goals. A partnership is thus only established in cooperation. In the flyer below, our future partners can see what DV has to offer for them. In our opinion one of the most important elements of a partnership is the dialogue, which is why our Commissioners of Career are open to contact from any company interested in working with us. You can reach out to them by sending an to career@dispuutverkeer.nl or by filling in the form below:

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


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